○ Tools for Making Buddha Sculptures


A sculptor does not have to purchase many tools

from the beginning; instead the tools increase

in number along with technical improvement. 


At first, one can begin with about 5 tools. 

1 carving knife, 2 cercular gouge, 1 triangular gouge,

and 1 flat chisel will be enough for sculpturing.



○Cutting Swords


 Knife (a knife), mark swords, cutting swords

come with beveled edges.

Put cut or thin cut large faces, most widely used.

Has the distinction of left and right by the orientation of the blade.

 ○Round chisel


This chisel makes a  U-shaped cut.

Grooves of various sizes and depths

can be mada using this U-shape.


From the rough carving to the finish carving,

it can be used in a wide range of applications,

and is highly effective especially for parts

such as clothing folds and the contours of the face

where you will want to show softness.

○Triangular Gouge


This chisel creates a V-shaped cut.

and thus is  suitable for making angular cuts.

It is used in  angular areas and in the wrinkles

and folds of Buddha's clothing.

○Flat Chisel


When finished the rough carving,

this chisel  used to smoothen the surface.


○Trusquim (Surface Gauge)


When sculpting Buddha statues,

the aim is to make an exact copy of the Buddha statue's appearance.

This tool is used to copy the statue's measurements and position for symmetry.

A pencil is inserted at the clip.